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How To Get the Perfect Lip Pout Naturally

How To Get the Perfect Lip Pout Naturally

Lip Appreciation Day 16th March is coming up; and you want to have that Perfect Lip Pout for your social media posts.  Look no further, we have all the Tips, Tricks & Hacks for making your lips and your pics perfect.

Here are a few interesting facts regarding lip products, such as lipsticks, lip liners and other lip products.

  • FACT 1 - in 2007 the US Consumer Group found that the lead in lip products exceeded the FDA standards.  Luckily today manufacturers have to advise what is included in their products, however if there is less than 1% the ingredients do not have to be listed in in order.
  • FACT 2 - as we age the collagen, elastin and hylauronic acid depletes leaving us with crepey, lined lips. Using products that assist in reproducing or providing these essential items back in to the skin is important.

Luckily we have some great watch groups that keep the consumers knowledgeable and the producers ethical in their drive to make money and provide safe healthy beauty products to the market.

So what can you do to create and keep the perfect plump and moisturised lip pout?


Pucker up and use a lip scrub.  If you aren't already, you should be scrubbing your lips every 2-3 times a week to remove any dry flakes of skin.  Lips don't have oil glands to assist with moisturisation, therefore lips will get dry and flaky, especially if exposing to the elements, like sun and wind.  Gently removing the dead skin through exfoliation will make them soft and smooth.

Your lips have lots of nerve endings so it's important to look for gentle exfoliation ingredients such as brown sugar, castor sugar and even coffee grinds to use to exfoliate your lips. Use gentle circular motions to help lift and remove dead skin, but do not over-rub as this may result in pulling the sensitive skin causing deep tears.

I like to use Lush lip scrubs as they have great moisturising properties and are not too expensive, otherwise an easier on the pocket option is Revolutions sugar lip scrub.   Or you can have a go at making your own lip scrub.

Moisturise with a Lip Mask

Lips need to be nourished and moisturised.  You want a bit of time to do this, so overnight lip masks like Laneige are a good option.  A lip mask works by providing in some cases an instant moisture surge, which are great to use prior to getting ready to go out.  The product I like for this are the crystal collagen lip masks or going to the beauty spa and getting a Panemorfi mask applied.

Overnight masks usually include hylauronic acid, vitamin E and C, a carrier oil such as coconut, shea, almond or olive oil.  Its a little bit like applying a "slugging" product - all the goodies are applied and then a barrier type ingredient is used to lock it all in so it can be absorbed.  Typically products are absorbed with 15-20 minutes.

Lip Massage

So you will have seen all the trending media on Buccal Massage with such celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Kristen Bell opting for this in order to soften and relax their facial muscles.  In doing so, facial lines are diminished and lips appear plumper.

I'm the type of person that likes to get the best results with minimal effort and having someone knead the inside of my mouth for an hour would:

1) worry me that my mouth would be stretched, and

2) give me a sore mouth from having it open for an hour!

I much prefer to do Face Yoga and there are some great YouTube videos and TikTok creators that provide all the information on how to achieve results. The trick is like anything, you need to put in the time and effort and stick with it for at least 4 weeks before you start to see results; some see results faster.


Did you know that lips can lose up to 10 times more moisture than any other part of your body? This is why it is important to hydrate as dehydration will dry out your lips and make them chapped.  All skin, as well as your organs are greatly improved when they are hydrated well.  Hydrated skin does not appear wrinkly, collagen structure is supported and a nice healthy glow emanates.

There is a lot of debate on exactly how much water should be consumed, but rule of thumb is when you feel dehydrated you are well and truely depleted.  The amount of water your body needs is dependent on how much water your body is using and depleting at any one time based on exertion and given your body weight.  Eight glasses per day is expected to keep your lips and body hydrated.  To ensure you are drinking at least eight glasses a day you can purchase a water bottle that advises when it is time to hydrate.  I have HiDrate Spark, which lights up when its time for me to drink.  Good Housekeeping has a great list of smart water bottles if you are interested.


Just like any skin on your body your lips are susceptible to environmental factors.  Lips can and do burn when exposed to UV and wind will ravage and dry out the skin.  Protecting with SPF is a given these days.  Gone are the days where protection is thick UV white or yellow zinc.  We now have a range of lipsticks, tints and balms that include sun protection.   Protection keeps the skin barrier safe ensuring the lips remain supple.  Coola has a great range of lip tints that I love using in the summer time (SPF 30), but remember protection is not just a summer time thing but should be built into your normal beauty routine.

Cosmetic Magic

So you now have healthy, nourished lips but are still wanting the plump, juicy look.  How do you obtain it?   With some simple cosmetic magic.


Plump lips are typically obtained by applying irritants such as menthol, peppermint (cooling) capsicum, cinnamon (hot) to the lips.  Like any part of the body when an irritant is applied there may be swelling or itchiness.  These products work on the premise that minimal swelling will occur providing that "plumping" action you want.  Fenty's Gloss Bomb or Too Faced Lip Injection are two products that have cooling and heating ingredients to achieve that "plump".


Using a highlighter to draw attention to the cupids bow and below the bottom lip to match the cupids bow give the appearance of fuller lips.  This hack has been a secret weapon among MUAs for awhile now.  The highlighter provides a brightening effect to amplify dimension and create definition.

The artistry director of Haus Labs suggests using concealer to sharpen and define the lip area prior to applying highlighter with a small eyeliner brush.  The camera loves lip lighter effects.  To enhance a wet look lip try out a metallic line such as MAC Nylon, and Amber Lights.

Gloss It

A nude lip with a metallic lined cupids bow, just pops more with a super shine gloss swiped across the whole lip.  Don't just reserve the gloss for nudes though as a bright red lip with a dab of gloss in the middle just draws the eye in and gives the illusion of a pout. Shimmers are all the rage for 2023 so feel free to mix some gold or silver into your gloss to give an even more pronounced maximilism.

Colour Code

Want the moist intense look?  Then all you need to do is find two complementary lip colours and apply the darker shade to the centre of the lip and blend a lighter shade towards the outer corners.  We don't want a colour block effect but more of a ombre feathered look.  Don't forget to clean up around the lip area with concealer to give it a crisp finish.  Pop your gloss over top.


Have thin lips then overline above your vermilion border.  Before you do this you want to erase your lip border with concealer and set with powder.  There is nothing worse in my opinion than seeing your vermilion border underneath your lipstick.  Take your time and do it right.

Ready for your close up

Now you have the perfect pout; but how do you go about capturing that perfect pout for all your pics.  Lighting does have a lot to do with getting a great shot, as does the right pose.

The best pic to show off your lips is to have your lips slightly parted so that you can see some of your teeth.  Practice in the mirror until you can display your teeth without it looking like a grimace.

If you want a kissy pic then do not do a kiss, the pucker draws harsh lines above the lip, rather open your mouth and do a gentle blow, you wil find that the lines disappear or the harshness is greatly diminished.

Don't angle the camera from above as your top lip will look thinner, either angle from below or take directly on as these will provide you with the best shots.

Now you have all the tips, tricks & hacks to get the perfect pout, or perfect lips and get the perfect shot for all your social media.

Have fun and experiment.

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